Dr. Shahnaz Masani - Teaching Professor (Biology) - Michigan State University

[PODCAST] Diverse Routes: Career Journeys in Science & Medicine (Episode 2)

Dr. Shahnaz Masani (she/her) is a Teaching Professor (Biology) at Lyman Briggs College at Michigan State University who shares her experience moving to a new country (India to the United States) and teaching at a large R1 university as an immigrant faculty of color.  

“I teach several biology courses at Lyman Briggs College. I employ a scholarly approach to teaching, including implementing semester-long inquiry-based labs and problem and discussion-based learning in lecture. These courses are designed to help students identify and link core concepts and develop their science process skills by constructing and testing hypothesis, analyzing data and constructing scientific arguments in lab and lecture. My mission as educator is not only to teach, but also to inspire; to create life-long learners and informed, thoughtful citizens. I believe that a classroom should be inclusive, engaging, challenging, and fun. In my classroom, you will constantly challenge your preconceived notions of the world and identify and correct your misconceptions about biology. I expect students to not only understand a concept, but to apply their knowledge to complex, real-world problems. My goal is for students to leave my classes with 1. a better understanding of biology, 2. stronger communication, critical thinking and science process skills and 3. most importantly, a love for biology!”

Recommended Resources:  

For aspiring educators: the teaching in higher ed' podcast (https://teachinginhighered.com/episodes/) & book Teaching Change by Jose Antonio Brown (https://www.discoverbooks.com/Teachin...)   

For STEM students: 'The Dirty Drug & the Ice Cream Tub episode of RadioLab (https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/radiolab/articles/dirty-drug-and-ice-cream-tub)  

For folks who would like to have thoughtful conversations on race, code switch (https://www.npr.org/podcasts/510312/c...)


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